Logo CAEPIA 09
Sevilla, November 9, 2009
[ Español | English ]

Key Dates

Proposals submission deadline:
July 31, 2009
Notification of acceptance:
September 14, 2009
Final version due:
October 5, 2009
Workshop date:
November 9, 2009

logo caepia-ttia 09

Workshop 10: Learning systems for decision making in business management

During the last decades, artificial intelligence techniques based on learning have been used in different management contexts for the creation of systems designed to aid in the process of decision-making. However, their practical application to each specific domain carries an increasing number of new problems which causes a necessary adaptation and revision of these techniques. This session is devoted to the analysis of some of these modern applications in business management. The aspects that will be taken into consideration include not only those related to the results of these applications, but also those related to the improvement of the specific algorithms used.


A non-exclusive list of topics associated with the session would be the following:

Program chairs

Organizing committee

Scientific committee

Workshop format

Articles submitted to the workshop should be limited to a maximum of 4 pages and should fall under one of the following categories:


Accepted papers will have 10-15 minutes for their presentation or demonstration and 5-10 minutes for their discussion among the workshop participants.

Format and Review Process

All submissions should be done according to the CAEPIA format (LNCS). A double blind review process will be adopted.


You can register for this workshop at CAEPIA.